30 Day Map Challenge: The Final Map


November 30, 2024

Day 30: The Final Map

I am using today as an excuse to look at some new data (to me at least) that popped into my social media feed a month or so back, but I have not had chance to look at them yet.

These concern UK small area gross value added (GVA) estimates - but something that interested me was that there were a lot of caveats when using these data - specifically:

The building blocks statistics are not directly comparable across nations because the levels of composition can vary hugely. This is because some small areas contain mainly (or exclusively) households, and others contain heavy industries.

Further, the building blocks geographies are defined differently, which calls for caution when comparing and/or interpreting the statistics.

The small areas statistics can appear quite volatile, but are more stable when aggregated to form larger geographic areas.

These all sounded like interesting challenges to me!

Exploring the Data

Load packages


This reads the data for England and cleans up the column names.

url <- "https://www.ons.gov.uk/file?uri=/economy/grossvalueaddedgva/datasets/uksmallareagvaestimates/1998to2022/uksmallareagvaestimates1998to2022.xlsx"

# Download the file to a temporary location
temp_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".xlsx")
GET(url, write_disk(temp_file, overwrite = TRUE))
Response [https://www.ons.gov.uk/file?uri=/economy/grossvalueaddedgva/datasets/uksmallareagvaestimates/1998to2022/uksmallareagvaestimates1998to2022.xlsx]
  Date: 2024-11-14 10:21
  Status: 200
  Content-Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet;charset=utf-8
  Size: 13.9 MB
<ON DISK>  /tmp/RtmpvWl2Xb/file28179bc44.xlsx
# Read the Excel file
gva <- read_excel(temp_file, sheet = "Table 1", skip = 1) %>% clean_names()

gva %<>%

We can then create a function to produce an index calibrated against the earliest year of data; in this case 1998.

calculate_index <- function(df) {
  # Get the base year (1998) values
  base_values <- df %>% 
    select(x1998) %>% 
  df_index <- df %>%
        ~ (.x / base_values) * 100

gva_index <- calculate_index(gva)

Make a Map

First we read in the LSOA polygons and remove unwanted attributes. It is worth noting that the codes supplied on the GVA data are for the 2011 version of the codes! It would be fantastic if the formal code names were used on all government data, as you often have to discover this later when lots of matches fail!

# Download data

lsoa_sf <- st_read("https://services1.arcgis.com/ESMARspQHYMw9BZ9/arcgis/rest/services/LSOA_Dec_2011_Boundaries_Generalised_Clipped_BGC_EW_V3/FeatureServer/0/query?outFields=*&where=1%3D1&f=geojson")
Reading layer `OGRGeoJSON' from data source 
  using driver `GeoJSON'
Simple feature collection with 34753 features and 11 fields
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -6.418622 ymin: 49.86474 xmax: 1.763571 ymax: 55.81107
Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
# Subset to England and remove unwanted columns

lsoa_sf %<>%
  filter(startsWith(LSOA11CD, "E")) %>%

Next we can Join the GVA to the polygons.

# Join
lsoa_sf %<>%
  left_join(gva_index, by = c("LSOA11CD" = "lsoa_code"))
Deleting source `output_file.gpkg' using driver `GPKG'
Writing layer `output_file' to data source `output_file.gpkg' using driver `GPKG'
Writing 32844 features with 26 fields and geometry type Multi Polygon.

And then create a map.

breaks <- c(-Inf, 27, 43, 60, 76, 92, 108, 124, 140, 157, 173, Inf)
labels <- c("11 - 27", "27 - 43", "43 - 60", "60 - 76", 
            "76 - 92", "92 - 108", "108 - 124", "124 - 140", 
            "140 - 157", "157 - 173", "173 - 4845")

# Create a categorized variables
lsoa_sf$category <- cut(lsoa_sf$x2022,
                        breaks = breaks,
                        labels = labels,
                        right = FALSE)  # left-inclusive intervals

# Define colors corresponding to each range
colors <- c(
  "11 - 27" = "#d7191c",
  "27 - 43" = "#e65538",
  "43 - 60" = "#f59053",
  "60 - 76" = "#fdbe74",
  "76 - 92" = "#fedf99",
  "92 - 108" = "#ffffbf",
  "108 - 124" = "#ddf1b4",
  "124 - 140" = "#bce4a9",
  "140 - 157" = "#91cba8",
  "157 - 173" = "#5ea7b1",
  "173 - 4845" = "#2b83ba"
# Plot with manual colors
ggplot(data = lsoa_sf) +
  geom_sf(aes(fill = category), color = NA) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = colors) +
  theme_minimal() +
    fill = "2022 Index (base 1998)"
  ) +
  labs(size = "Proximity") +  # Change "New Legend Title" to your desired title
  coord_sf(crs = st_crs(27700)) +
  theme_minimal() +
    axis.text = element_blank(),
    axis.ticks = element_blank(),
    axis.title = element_blank(),
    panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
    panel.grid.minor = element_blank())

The patterns are quite noisy, and when you explore some of the more extreme patterns there are clearly areas where these may be statistical anomaly; which follows some of the warnings in how to use these data. However, in some areas this appears to not be the case. The following area shows negative GVA relative to 1998, and is the location of Thoresby Colliery which closed in 2015, so within the comparison period.

GVA and Retail Centres

Next I thought it would be interesting to use the GVA data to explore some aspects of retail. First we import the CDRC Retail Centre definitions. This is all quite rough, so with more time I would do these analysis a little more thoroughly!

# Get retail centres
retail_sf <- st_read("Retail_Boundaries_UK.gpkg")
Reading layer `Retail_Boundaries_UK' from data source 
  using driver `GPKG'
Simple feature collection with 6423 features and 8 fields
Geometry type: POLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: 33363.7 ymin: 10471.87 xmax: 655167.5 ymax: 1142036
Projected CRS: OSGB36 / British National Grid

Then we use a spatial join to look at the intersection of retail centres and the LSOA.

# Ensure both are in the same coordinate reference system (CRS)
lsoa_sf <- st_transform(lsoa_sf, st_crs(retail_sf))
# Join
points_with_retail <- st_join(retail_sf,lsoa_sf, join =st_intersects)

# Filter to England
points_with_retail %<>% filter(Country=="England")
# Perform spatial intersection to get overlapping areas
overlap_sf <- st_intersection(retail_sf, lsoa_sf %>% st_make_valid())

# Calculate the area of the intersected geometries
overlap_sf$overlap_area <- st_area(overlap_sf)

We can then analyse the changes in GVA by retail center type to identify which types have experienced the most growth since 1999. Because our classification segments by more traditional types of retail agglomeration and those which are designed to be concentrated, such as within a retail park or shopping centre, these are reflected in the statistics and represent a general evolution in retail since 1999.

overlap_sf %>%
  filter(!is.na(Classification)) %>%  # Remove rows with NA
  group_by(Classification) %>%
    Weighted_Average_Index = as.numeric(sum(x2022 * overlap_area, na.rm = TRUE) / sum(overlap_area), na.rm = TRUE)
  ) %>%
  arrange(desc(Weighted_Average_Index)) %>%
  st_drop_geometry() %>%
  kable(align = 'lcc') %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "responsive", full_width = FALSE)
Classification Weighted_Average_Index
Small Shopping Centre 652.1828
Regional Centre 359.3353
Large Shopping Centre 321.3384
Small Retail Park 270.9027
Large Retail Park 252.0647
District Centre 246.5589
Major Town Centre 244.6297
Small Local Centre 243.0592
Town Centre 237.2312
Local Centre 236.3928
Market Town 226.3048

We can then have a look at some of these patterns by retail centre. These were restricted to the two largest types of traditional retail centre. Some interesting patterns emerge.

results <- overlap_sf %>%
            filter(!is.na(RC_Name)) %>%  # Remove rows with NA
            filter(Classification %in% c("Regional Centre","Major Town Centre")) %>%
            group_by(RC_Name) %>%
              Weighted_Average_Index = as.numeric(sum(x2022 * overlap_area, na.rm = TRUE) / sum(overlap_area), na.rm = TRUE)
            ) %>%
  #Display the table
  results %>%
  st_drop_geometry() %>%
            kable(align = 'lcc') %>%
            kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "responsive", full_width = F) %>%
            scroll_box(height = "300px")
RC_Name Weighted_Average_Index
Bradford; Bradford (Yorkshire and The Humber; England) 603.7709
Bristol City; Bristol (South West; England) 458.7708
Worthing; Worthing (South East; England) 454.0608
Manchester City; Manchester (North West; England) 439.3316
Leeds City, Leeds (Yorkshire and The Humber; England) 418.5523
St Albans; St Albans (East of England; England) 408.0652
Nottingham; Nottingham (East Midlands; England) 399.1771
London; London (London; England) 378.7947
Reading; Reading (South East; England) 370.4064
Oxford; Oxford (South East; England) 354.4344
Warrington; Warrington (North West; England) 342.4695
Brighton and Hove; Brighton and Hove (South East; England) 325.4165
Sheffield City; Sheffield (Yorkshire and The Humber; England) 324.4665
Hounslow; Hounslow (London; England) 318.0803
Bournemouth; Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole (South West; England) 304.0225
Leicester; Leicester (East Midlands; England) 302.4936
Stoke; Stoke-on-Trent (West Midlands; England) 301.3301
Newcastle City; Newcastle upon Tyne (North East; England) 296.0757
Lancaster; Lancaster (North West; England) 289.9517
Southampton; Southampton (South East; England) 287.6918
Birmingham City; Birmingham (West Midlands; England) 284.9352
Liverpool City; Liverpool (North West; England) 281.1173
Exeter; Exeter (South West; England) 280.9092
Wigan; Wigan (North West; England) 278.9805
Knightsbridge; Kensington and Chelsea (London; England) 276.0378
Northampton; Northampton (East Midlands; England) 274.4235
Plymouth; Plymouth (South West; England) 274.1781
Hull; Kingston upon Hull (Yorkshire and The Humber; England) 272.6131
Chester; Cheshire West and Chester (North West; England) 269.3055
Lincoln; Lincoln (East Midlands; England) 266.6141
Guildford; Guildford (South East; England) 265.0940
Stockport; Stockport (North West; England) 264.3075
Canterbury; Canterbury (South East; England) 261.6701
Bath; Bath and North East Somerset (South West; England) 258.9825
Doncaster; Doncaster (Yorkshire and The Humber; England) 257.4575
Ipswich; Ipswich (East of England; England) 257.2136
Middlesbrough; Middlesbrough (North East; England) 256.9389
Worcester; Worcester (West Midlands; England) 256.2160
Watford; Watford (East of England; England) 253.4625
Bolton; Bolton (North West; England) 252.8540
Hastings; Hastings (South East; England) 248.2206
Barnsley; Barnsley (Yorkshire and The Humber; England) 246.2507
Cheltenham; Cheltenham (South West; England) 246.2328
Truro; Cornwall (South West; England) 244.5830
York; York (Yorkshire and The Humber; England) 242.5009
Derby; Derby (East Midlands; England) 239.0582
Blackpool; Blackpool (North West; England) 237.6552
Maidstone; Maidstone (South East; England) 236.2865
Royal Leamington Spa; Warwick (West Midlands; England) 233.6452
Sutton; Sutton (London; England) 225.4427
Preston; Preston (North West; England) 225.3978
Kingston upon Thames; London (London; England) 223.7936
Peterborough; Peterborough (East of England; England) 219.9911
Cambridge; Cambridge (East of England; England) 219.5252
Romford; London (London; England) 215.6034
Scarborough; Scarborough (Yorkshire and The Humber; England) 214.0865
Huddersfield; Kirklees (Yorkshire and The Humber; England) 213.8794
Norwich; Norwich (East of England; England) 212.4205
Croydon; London (London; England) 210.9787
Colchester; Colchester (East of England; England) 210.7075
Royal Tunbridge Wells; Tunbridge Wells (South East; England) 206.5099
Hereford; County of Herefordshire (West Midlands; England) 205.7771
Ealing; Ealing (London; England) 205.1098
Wood Green; London (London; England) 204.8174
Loughborough; Charnwood (East Midlands; England) 201.8812
Bedford; Bedford (East of England; England) 201.6262
Ilford; London (London; England) 200.4038
Southport; Sefton (North West; England) 195.6721
Coventry; Coventry (West Midlands; England) 195.0813
Shrewsbury; Shropshire (West Midlands; England) 194.3616
Wakefield; Wakefield (Yorkshire and The Humber; England) 192.3007
Milton Keynes; Milton Keynes (South East; England) 191.0835
Carlisle; Carlisle (North West; England) 188.4729
Sunderland; Sunderland (North East; England) 183.6281
Darlington; Darlington (North East; England) 181.8393
Eastbourne; Eastbourne (South East; England) 181.5299
King's Lynn; King's Lynn and West Norfolk (East of England; England) 177.0160
Taunton; Somerset West and Taunton (East of England; England) 174.7752
Wolverhampton; Wolverhampton (West Midlands; England) 159.6873
Bromley; London (London; England) 151.8955
Salisbury; Wiltshire (South West; England) 134.6113
Swindon; Swindon (South West; England) 127.8705
Luton; Luton (East of England; England) 104.4664

We can also map these index values. My takeaway from these data are that they are potentially very interesting and I suspect after this fairly rough and ready exploration may well make their way into a retail paper over the next couple of months!

# Calculate centroids of the polygons
results$centroid <- st_centroid(results$geom)

# Extract the coordinates of centroids into separate columns
results <- results %>%
    centroid_x = st_coordinates(centroid)[, 1],
    centroid_y = st_coordinates(centroid)[, 2]

# Create a ggplot map with a combined legend
ggplot() +
  # Plot the polygons
  geom_sf(data = lsoa_sf, fill = "lightgray", color = NA) +
  # Plot the centroids with combined size and color
    data = results,
      x = centroid_x, 
      y = centroid_y, 
      size = Weighted_Average_Index, 
      color = Weighted_Average_Index
  ) +
  # Apply a combined scale for color and size with a unified legend
  scale_size_continuous(range = c(1, 8)) +
  scale_color_viridis_c() +
    color = guide_legend(
      title = "Weighted Average Index",
      override.aes = list(size = 5)
  ) +
  theme_minimal() +
    axis.text = element_blank(),
    axis.ticks = element_blank(),
    axis.title = element_blank(),
    panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
    panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
    panel.spacing = unit(0, "mm"),
    plot.margin = unit(rep(0, 4), "mm"),
    legend.position = "right"